This is a photo album of my RV - 4.

I will be putting notes and explanatory pictures as I build this air plane.

E - Mail Me

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Missing Spar Bolts

3 x NAS 1306 - 30

2 x NAS 1304 - 30
2 x NAS 1304 - 32

16 x AN 4 - 17A
12 x AN 4 - 16A

Nuts and washers for above.


?? Stall Warning ??

Aileron  stops are shown on DWG 14 and should give 32 up and 14 down. There are only up stops so the won is governed by the other wing.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The Crow harnesses have arived and very smart they look too. The requirement for a 8 washers to go from the AN 4 Bolt diameter to the inside of the attach point is a nuisance - bushings with a 1/4" ID and 7/16" OD

NOTE The color of both the cockpit and the harness is fire engine or postbox red - they look a vile crimson here - not accurate.